It's Payback Time!!

It's the World Championship Boxing title fight in Vegas -- Steve Wynn's new place, actually. 

You're in the ring with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who's wearing his favorite pink dress and high heels.

Click your mouse to knock Arnold silly. Hit him enough times, hard enough, to draw blood.  Make Arnold learn  that bullying has consequences.

Oh, and don't worry:  He's too much of a sissy to hit you back!

Arnold Schwarzenegger loves to bully people, especially women.  It could be nurses, it could be pensioners, it could be widowers.   And that's just while being Governor for a year.

Arnold's picked on others his entire life.  Just ask the women he groped and assaulted -- and never apologized to individually.  

Heck, last year he even picked on a cancer charity, denying $50,000 in proceeds from sales of a silly Arnold bobblehead that were meant for research on rare forms of cancer -- all so he could make a backdoor payment to his $400 an hour Beverly Hills trial lawyer!

Now it's Arnold's turn to feel hopeless,  and for as long as he's in public life, all while wearing his favorite shade of pink.  

We hope you knocked Arnold senseless, so that he begged for mercy.  For a guy who's ballooned to 290 pounds and is actually only 5'10" (his Hollywood PR crew always claimed he was 6' 2"!),  folks are beginning to realize that Arnold can't take a punch.

So thanks for helping to Torment the Terminator.

And before you go could you make sure to clean up Arnold's blood from the canvas?


See Arnold Dance

Win his money!

Boy, he's fast!

It's Payback time!

Solve the Puzzle!

Great for Mosquitoes

A Leaked Memo...

Lassie's Favorite

Arnold's Favorite

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