Here are featured the choicest e-mails from the saddest group of human beings on the planet, today: Diehard Bush supporters. As the Bush administration becomes less popular than jockitch, and the few remaining Bush boosters find themselves more and more Isolated, they all seem to be descending into a schizophrenic hsyteria that's, well- quite funny. Read on, to feel the pulse of the modern republican base.

(PS- the Idiot of the Month feature is now written by Mike Cucuk- Read his bio, here!) Hopefully, he'll be better able to answer these fine e-mails, than I have, in recent months.)

AUGUST, 2005 OCTOBER, 2005
MAY 2006 MAY 15, 2006
MAY 18, 2006 JUNE 1, 2006
JULY 2006 AUGUST, 2006
NOVEMBER, 2006  


One Brownshirt: Laughable duckspeak, jingoism, and talking-point rubbish.
Two Brownshirts: Would be funny, if not so scary...
Three Brownshirts: Scary, but posessing the sick charm of watching sheep being led to their slaughter.
Four Brownshirts: Astounding simple-mindedness, and shocking adherence to groupthink/conspiracism.
Five Brownshirts: Mind-blowing Idiocy, and bald-faced fascist rhetoric.


Hello, folks. It has been a while since I have tackled one of these letters, but truth be told, after being online for a long time and getting used to the verbal abuse, one becomes adept in the art of rebuttal. Anyways, a good friend of mine from Greece whom of which I only know through e-mail by the name of Angelopoulos Panagiotis has sent me a letter from an angry Youtube user (why am I not surprised of the origin?). It ran like this:

Peter, your insulting people who are honored and saluted throughout the respectful people in this world makes you look like the coward that you are. People like yourself have no balls, no integrity, no valor, no concept of the ideals that our forefathers wrote in our Declaration of Independence or Constitution. Ignorant cowards like you love making fun of military people because you feel envy and guilt that you don't have the necessary courage it takes to defend the greatest nation in the history of mankind. You were born a coward, my friend, and you will die a coward, just like Michael Moore, Bill Clinton, Jacques Chirac, George Clooney, and all those of you who are TOO scared to defend the USA. Continue to make yourself look like an idiot online, while there are WOMEN in uniform doing what a man should be doing (a real man, that is), which is defending their country during wartime, ANY war, you coward!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, “Angelo” (as I would request to call him) replied to him, but I just wanted to break this letter down just like I always did in the past. Let’s begin.

Peter, your insulting people who are honored and saluted throughout the respectful people in this world makes you look like the coward that you are. People like yourself have no balls, no integrity, no valor, no concept of the ideals that our forefathers wrote in our Declaration of Independence or Constitution.

He must be referring to the fine members of the U.S. Army, Navy, and Marines. I would be extremely dumbfounded and appalled if he was referring to the Bush Administration. But to say that I’m insulting someone (when you have no proof of it) and assume that that gives you latitude for insulting me in return? That’s a self-inflicting insult. He then goes on to gallantly assume what our Fore Fathers’ original ideals were. As a history refresher for you, peacefaker, our Fore Fathers came to America for freedom of religion and the worship thereof, not the freedom to point fingers and declare war with the Middle East. As for the Constitution, the Bush Administration is doing almost nothing whatsoever “ in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty, to ourselves and our posterity.” Way to use history as a crutch for your steam-blowing.

Ignorant cowards like you love making fun of military people because you feel envy and guilt that you don't have the necessary courage it takes to defend the greatest nation in the history of mankind. You were born a coward, my friend, and you will die a coward, just like Michael Moore, Bill Clinton, Jacques Chirac, George Clooney, and all those of you who are TOO scared to defend the USA.

I’d personally like to know how making flash animations and posting them online making fun of the military. As for envy and guilt? Envy’s out the window on this one, but I do feel guilty knowing that these brave men and women are going out there to fight and perhaps even die for a war based on false pretenses and crass profit. And I see you have even compiled a short list of those who you think are cowards. Hmm, in order:

  • Michael Moore: Filmed a record-breaking documentary which took a critical look at the administration of George W. Bush and the War on Terrorism
  • Bill Clinton: Responsible for the greatest economic expansion in U.S. History (if you mean he got a BJ from Lewinsky, that’s not much to go off of)
  • Jacques Chirac: Stood for lower tax rates, the removal of price controls, strong punishment for crime and terrorism, and business privatization (he was even shot at by a cowardly bystander back in 2002)
  • George Clooney: Academy Award-winning actor, director, producer, screenwriter, and self-described political liberal (is that why you hate him?)

I’m not scared to defend the U.S. I’m only scared of ignorant people who blatantly overlook the facts and only seek to support their leader, no matter how controversial he is, just so that they won’t feel alone in their beliefs.

Continue to make yourself look like an idiot online, while there are WOMEN in uniform doing what a man should be doing (a real man, that is), which is defending their country during wartime, ANY war, you coward!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why would I make myself look like an idiot online, especially when you do a bang-up job yourself? If this wasn’t true, then your letter wouldn’t be in this column, now would it? And I find it mocking and insulting that you judge the basis of performance in the military by gender in comparison to me as a columnist on a website. I chose not to join because I had a future, and that future had nothing to do with the military. And as for calling me a coward? Well, “to each his own,” as I have said before.

It turned out that the user who wrote the letter was called peacemaker6319. That irony with a capital “I.” Feeling valiant in his efforts, Angelopoulos decided to respond to this peace breaker with a letter of his own. He even referred to being put in my column. I never felt so flattered before. Later on, that same Youtube user replied with this letter:


I can't help that you are jealous you are not part of the greatest nation this world has ever seen, my friend. Cowards like you don't hesitate in supporting other cowards like Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Al Zarqawi, Uday and Qusay Hussein who torture, abuse, rape, mutilate, dismember, and violate defenseless humans! You just admitted your support to these beastly savages, my friend. You are either "with the terrorists, or against them", and THAT is the end of story, Malakismenos!!!!!!!!!

Jealous? Greatest nation this world has ever seen!? This is ignorance in the extreme. For the latter, that’s what the populace said about the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman empire all before they fell from the inside, all because of political conflicts and civil war. This guy seems to like the word “coward” a lot, especially when he compares it to a list of proven war criminals from the Middle East. War crime from afar versus people using the power of the internet to spread the truth: which is more cowardly? This person has no preset requirements for the word, from the looks of it. On a minor note, that’s not the quote Bush said. It went like this: “Either you are with us…or you are with the terrorists.” That, of course, is the Either/Or Fallacy of Logic, which commonly used in political speeches, especially by “President” Bush. And “Malakismenos”? That’s a Greek swear word, for those who are wondering.

I thought the previous letter was the ultimate act of hatred to me in my career as a columnist so far, but this is the quintessence of ignorance and hatred. If there were a higher rating than five, I’d give it to this guy. I’ll just have to make due with what I have.


Hello, people. It’s been a while since I have replied to an e-mail, and the best part? My arm’s all better now. I was surprised by the x-rays that nothing was broken as per the accident (see previous posting). So, after a month’s hiatus from the website, I’m back and ready to answer the next in line. This letter is from a Ryan Bounds.

Hey man listen up and listen real good, I understand that this is an anti bush web site and you think that showing dead soldiers and blood is going to justify your selfish needs to put down the president. But in reality it is you guys who needs fucking help.

The main issue here must be a psychological one, but logically, who does it fall on? Is it the citizen who can vote and lobby and has no criminal record? Or perhaps it’s the president who has sought the destruction of Iran and the occupation of Iraq, leaving thousands upon thousands dead for the sake of national interest? The war or terrorism will be elongated, true, but then again, terrorism is a tactic; an ideology. It cannot fully be eliminated, just as Christianity cannot be eliminated. You can kill those who embrace terrorism, but terrorism itself will always remain in some shape or form. But don’t let that stop you from fighting the bad guys; one of them being the president. So, I really don’t need help, thank you…but your efforts are greatly appreciated.

What you show in that video is called WAR you dumb fuck, I don’t know what you want it to look like.  And if you ask me this war isn’t nearly as violent as our previous wars we’ve been involved. And do you know those soldiers who are lying dead on the ground??? I do, I know some of them, and they were proud to die for not only our country but Iraq.

I must ask: can any individual on this planet systematically (with no assistance, electronic or otherwise) identify 20,000 dead soldiers by face identification alone? And you’re right. This war isn’t as violent as, say, World War II and the Vietnam War, but nonetheless, it appears to contain the same magnitude of psychological warfare. And I would greatly appreciate if you would lay off the name-calling. This isn’t middle school.

It shows you’ve never been there, those people are thankful we are there. I would go back a million times just to help the kids over there. And don’t you fucking realize why we are over there?? Don’t you fucking remember……..You are the kind of person who runs from the problems in our world and always try to blame someone.

Either this person knows how to communicate with the dead (120,000+ dead Iraqi and Afghani citizens, to be exact), or he feels that he has the authority to speak on others’ behalf despite their opinion. And how exactly would you help them? There isn’t any clean water or food anywhere in Iraq, and the hospitals are overcrowded every day with injured civilians who want no part of this war that we struck back against. And yes, of course I remember why we went to war: to find non-existent WMDs, to take down the Iraqi dictator who, in reality, had no connection with Al-Qaida before and after the attacks on 9/11, and to keep at a war on terrorism that the conscious man knows will never end. And as for running away from the world’s problems and blaming someone else? Well, I could say the same about you for finding this site and going out of your way to type up this letter to me. In all seriousness, the Clinton Administration is done and gone. Quit blaming Clinton for being too wrapped up in the Lewinsky episode to notice Saddam’s regime.

Listen motherfucker don’t go making a web site when you don’t know a fucking thing. And if you want to do that ignorant shit go live in another fucking country not mine. I put my ass on the line for people like you to do stupid shit like you do. And if you want to play videos of war, why don’t you go to fucking war and experience it for yourself.

If by stupid (bleep) you mean exercising my freedom of speech, then yes, I am. And who says (besides you) that I should live somewhere else to exercise my rights outlined in the First Amendment? And sadly, I can’t go to war because I am protected by the A.D.A. and Section 504 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act. Don’t get me wrong, though. I support our troops, but I also oppose our cause. It just sickens me to see young people go out, fight, and die for a hollow cause built upon crass motives by a unilateral administration. I mean, C’mon. These are the same people that the Reagan Administration shook hands with back in the 1980s. God, we are such hypocrites.

Why do you always have to show the bad stuff????  Why don’t you show videos of the soldiers bringing down the Sadaam statute, and if it is so violent, why were there hundreds of Iraq ’s people cheering?? If it is so bad, why does a little kid come up to OUR soldiers and grab their hands crying and says thank you?? You wouldn’t know because you haven’t been there.

I can see your logic from the last line: “If you weren’t there, then you wouldn’t know. You weren’t there. Therefore, you wouldn’t know.” Applying this logic, I could say the same thing about, say, Abraham Lincoln, 16 th President of the United States. Along with me, you weren’t there to see him either, so you and I wouldn’t know that he existed. And out in the world are two wonderful inventions called (Drum roll, cymbal strike) the television set and the internet. That’s how I know. They may not be as valuable as a first-hand experience, but they get through in a pinch. And I bet those people were happy because Saddam was usurped from his position, but how happy are they now that U.S. soldiers are occupying and killing whoever dares to portray dissent? Not that happy from the looks of those photos I see on the internet but not on television because there are those (mostly news networks) who want to keep the public uninformed and ignorant.

Get you facts together before you post stupid shit you selfish mother fucker. Don’t you remember when 2 planes flew into our buildings? How many people died?? How many families became fatherless, motherless…..how many families totally disappeared??

Oh, but I did get my facts straight. And I thought I told you to lay off the name-calling. You wouldn’t want soap in your mouth, now would you? And I most definitely recall 9/11…or wouldn’t I know because I wasn’t there? Your logic is looking as dead as an Iraqi citizen at this point, especially when one looks at the attacks on 9/11 to the deaths of Iraqi citizens. By doing so, the 9/11 casualties are but a candle flame in comparison to the casualties of Iraqi citizens. It’s kind of how if the U.S. was hit with a sling shot, the U.S. strikes back with a Howitzer, and take tens of times more people than they took from us. It’s disgraceful and makes America look like a horrible, godless country, which might be the justice Al-Qaida sought while attacking us on 9/11.

Our cause is there, you can blame the president all you want that is fine, but give respect to our brothers out there fighting for you. I’m sure they didn’t die to end up on your fucking website. So next time you disrespect one of our brothers in arms I hope you think about their feeling first and not yours you selfish little fuck.

I oppose our cause, which is mostly national interest. And if you think that showing flash presentations of dead soldiers is a form of disrespect…well, “To each his own” the saying reads. To follow up, how dare our soldiers disrespect the nations of Iraq and Afghanistan by killing their citizens like they were livestock. Shame on us for not thinking about their feelings first. And your f-bomb had little effect here, much like the RNEP “Bunker Busters” that the U.S. Government wanted to develop to take out underground bunkers in Iraq. Stick and stones may break my bones, but words are like brittle chimes in a windstorm.

This, by far, was the most hate-filled letter than any of the previous ones I have replied to. But nonetheless, I have replied to it. And what greater honor to the (currently) most hate-filled letter of this column than the highest rating we have available?




Look, I’m not having a happy week because of a recent go-kart crash. My arm’s in a sling (I’m surprised that nothing was broken), and my typing ability has been handicapped ever so much. Regardless, I will stay vigilant and continue to respond to letters. Let’s begin, then,

Just a few questions:
How come your site does not mention the reason we are at war? - maybe 3000+
people died in one day here, why the fuck should we go to war over a few
thousand Americans.  Who does Bush think he is - who gives a flying fuck about
those 3000+ folks.  What Bush wants is oil - I know this is true because the
fucking gas prices are so high.

Well, you must not care about them as much as Bush doesn’t. Do you remember Pearl Harbor? We joined in World War II because of those few thousand people’s deaths, and also because of a fascist super power bent on control of the Old World. Oh, and don’t invest in petroleum (that’s “oil” for long); you’ll be bankrupt by the time you’re retiring because we’ve found alternative sources of power, including hydroelectricity and solar power. And to answer your original question…9/11. T.B.A.: Typical Bush Answer.

I enjoyed watching them jump from the burning buildings - thought it was great.
 I wish Kerry had won - we would be watching "Who's fucking Kerry Now" instead
of war news.  Maybe the Americans would have been attacked some more - maybe a
few thousand more could be killed.  That would be great.  We have nothing to
fear from the terrorist - we are America.  We thrive on who's fucking who not
keeping America safe. 

Is this the future of America, where we marvel over gut-wrenching violence, gore, etc. as it is tirelessly repeated over and over like a broken record? And I thought “American Wasteland” was just a video game/metaphor. And is this “F-bomb week”? No one gave me the memo. Oh, and things wouldn’t be much different if Kerry was in office; we’d still have soldiers over seas.

Second question - why don't you post that we were told about the terrorist -
back when Clinton was fucking anything with a hole - and did nothing to stop
9-11.  Clinton fucking a duck is way more important than Americans safty - so
who is relly responsible for 9-11 - Bush of course - it's his fault he did not
clean up the shit that the country was in because of what held the office for
the last 8 years.  You are right - we must get Bush out of office.

In this order: 1) He was no longer president during 9/11, 2) Adultery only seems to get attention if it’s coming from inside the White House (even though it’s a domestic problem as well), and 3) what s*** are you talking about (besides Lewinsky and the four others)? I remember the greatest economic expansion in U.S. history, the budget deficit turning to ZERO and then into a surplus, 18 million jobs created over a five year period, and anti-terrorist initiatives over in the Middle East, keeping Al-Qaeda off the radar until Bush came in and voided those initiatives. Yeah, Bush should leave office, but not because of what Clinton did. C’mon, let’s not rehash the past.

Man I relly enjoyed your site - lets pull the troups out - maybe we will have
another terrorist attack and Montclair, New Jersey will be wiped off the map -
then I wont have to write these type emails ever again.


Thanks for the lead, Randy. I’ll forward this along with the other 10,000 leads (per day) to the FBI and wait until something comes up. Remember, the nuclear missiles are in North Korea, so its 9300 mile radius will only take it as far as Kansas, so don’t get your hopes up.

P.S. - so what your site tells me is this - a terrorist kills you and your
family - well I don't give a fuck - well 56 million Americans don't give a fuck
about you.  Oh and please do email me back - I'm just waiting to hear some more
of your brilliant ideas.

And yet you give a f*** to write this angry letter to me? Please, get mad at the president; he’s far worse than I ever will be. But thank you for the inquiry. Oh, and be sure to answer my etiquette with angry gibberish and f-bombs, because involuntary laughter burns 3 calories every time.

Well, this was nowhere near murder on my left arm, but in all seriousness, I’m done with this letter. So closes this exchange of opinion and mind. Here’s hoping to a speedy recovery for me, but before I forget…a parting gift for Randy

"The Letter from the Nephilim”

I found your email at BUSHFLASH.com I wanted to say WELL DONE SIR!

I hope so one day either yourself or the authour of the flash animations can spare some time to attend a "Social Issues" chat on a chat program to talk with other like minded individuals whom like yourself are disturbed about the "sheeple" populating our wonderful country.

Keep up the good work mate !


Before I went anywhere into this letter, I asked myself: “What is a Nephilim?” I looked it up at wikipedia.org and found that a Nephilim is a race depicted in the Bible where such people are created by the crossbreeding of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men". When translated from Hebrew, it means “the fallen ones” (sounds appropriate for those who still believe in “President” Bush). Don’t believe me? Here’s the link to prove it:


It’s an interesting postscript that the word “Nephilim” is also related to the term “Serpent Seed.” I swear, it’s there in the link I posted above. *Clears throat* On with the correspondence…

You use the term "Nephilim" in you pseudonym and you call me disturbed?  I sense a disturbance in the Force.  And as for that “Social Issues” chat room request?  I've been there, and they mostly talk about stuff that's better off on myspace.com than the very direction that our country is headed.  And yes, I will keep up the good work.  See you at the 2008 presidential election.  Toodles.

-Mike Cucuk

Well, that was short and sweet. And what’s an ice cream sundae without a cherry on top?
Here is the original message in all its unedited glory:

Dear Sir,

It is my understanding that you dislike President Bush. That is your option. However, if you do not like it here, you are free to go to another country and try to live the way you do here in the United States. May I suggest Iran?


Thomas A.
U.S. Navy

This letter is far different from any letter I’ve gotten before. First off, it’s from a Navy personnel. Two things: 1) what an honor, and 2) is this another military recruiting trick for college students? I’ve been there, and believe me, I am sick and tired of phones calls from the U.S. Marines (the first military organization to go “over there”) in which the Caller ID reads US GOVT. But enough of that. The second thing about this letter is that it’s perfect spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Usually, I get letters from people who can’t get their commas and words right. Plus, those are the source of their usual dose of getting served. But not this letter; it’s text perfect. Well, now that this Hallelujah Session is over, time to examine that one little flaw in the letter:
It is my understanding that you dislike President Bush. That is your option. However, if you do not like it here, you are free to go to another country and try to live the way you do here in the United States. May I suggest Iran?

In case you missed it, it’s the part where Thomas the Tank Engine here confused me disliking our president with me disliking the country that he is incompetently running: the United States. Look, just because I hate our president doesn’t mean that I hate the United States. Where in any of the works here in this website say that I hate the U.S.? Well, it doesn’t, just to save you the time of browsing around. And (be brutally honest), do you want me to go live their so that I can perish in the ensuing aerial attack that can only be rivaled with Russia’s Tsar Bomb, courtesy of President Bush and his Broke Back administration? If that’s the case, then you have my pity.

Short and sweet. That’s how I usually like the letters sent to me. Well, I don’t have a college erudition to give to the army-going Thomas here, but here’s the next best thing.

Here is the original message in all its unedited glory:

You guys are too clever by half aren't you? yuo think the world of your liberal asses, dont you? The Presdent is hammering those arab terrorists in Iraq and you are out to pull him down. If the troops were not in Iraq the car bombs woild be in your neighborhood, and I'd like to see the look in your eyes then, boy!

And let me tell you, the soldiers joined to fight for teh country, and that's waht they  are doing in Iraq and Afghanstan. If they die, well, them's tough breaks. Nobody forced them to join up, right? And they're killing all those terrorists who did 9/11, or are you forgetting that? And we have a God-loving Christian President now, so trying to pull him down is doing hte devil's work on earth. Which does not surprise me.

Frank Hermann

Corpus Christi

I can tell from this letter’s bad spelling and grammar that this guy was in a hurry to get it sent to me for the usual dose of humiliation. Well, I’d be insulting fast-fingered Frank here if I didn’t reply to it. So, as you all know the drill, time to break this letter up into fun-size segments.

You guys are too clever by half aren't you? yuo think the world of your liberal asses, dont you?

First off, how is one clever “by half”? And no, I don’t own any open-minded donkeys, thank you. And if by “clever” you mean “conscious of the direction that our country’s headed,” then yes, I am.

The Presdent is hammering those arab terrorists in Iraq and you are out to pull him down.

Oh, so he’s a “Presdent” now? Gee, where was I when every Republican hopped on the Bush Bandwagon back in 2000 and 2004? Plus, I’d like to know the actual count of the Arab terrorists that he’s killing over there. I’ll make a bet with you: if the death toll of the terrorists themselves exceeds 120,000+ dead Iraqi and Afghan civilians before Bush leaves office, then I’ll register as a Republican. But seeing how all the terrorists over there are Shiites, Sunnis, or Kurds from Iraq, then I win the bet. Looks like terrorists aren’t the only ones getting hammered here.

If the troops were not in Iraq the car bombs woild be in your neighborhood, and I'd like to see the look in your eyes then, boy!

All terrorist jokes aside, I don’t see how it’s astronomically possible to even sneak one of those into America without getting caught by the Air Marshals and/or FBI first, let alone into my neighborhood, which is in fact empty during the noon day college and work hours which by then the suicidal bomber would be wasting his life. And as for the look in my eyes? They’d be closed shut from laughing so hard as I see the aftermath on the evening news.

And let me tell you, the soldiers joined to fight for teh country, and that's waht they  are doing in Iraq and Afghanstan. If they die, well, them's tough breaks. Nobody forced them to join up, right?

Really? I heard that they joined to have their college tuitions paid for because they originally couldn’t afford to do so when they graduated from high school. They’re even accepting high school drop-outs to fill in their ranks. This was the most recent article I could find on the subject. Thankfully for me, I knew better than to become the victim of the dreaded pointing finger of Uncle Sam on this one. “I want you”? Nowadays, it’s more like “I’ll Settle For You” or “I Want Out.” As for they who die? May they rest in peace in their U.S. Flag-covered coffins that the pentagon forbids people to take pictures of. It was their decision to join, true, but then again, they were also a simple decision away from saving themselves from potential death.

And they're killing all those terrorists who did 9/11, or are you forgetting that?

Oh, don’t get me started on 9/11. I’ve been through so much research about 9/11 that it isn’t funny. As for the 19 terrorists, weren’t they allegedly all killed in the attacks, even though there are reports that at least 9 of the terrorists showed up alive days and even weeks after 9/11? And how are they all from Iraq and Afghanistan? On September 20th and 27th, FBI Director Robert Mueller admitted on CNN that there is " no legal proof to prove the identities of the hijackers." Therefore, none of them could be over in Iraq or Afghanistan. So, to answer your question…No. I haven’t forgotten it, but simply remembered it as an alternate depiction of the original subject which is called “the official story” (a.k.a. “S*** Happens”).

And we have a God-loving Christian President now, so trying to pull him down is doing hte devil's work on earth. Which does not surprise me.

Ah, yes, the cliché Right-Wing “Christian” Agenda. May I suggest seeing this animation and then doing a little Google search? And if you should ask why? Well, you took a few minutes of your time to write this angry letter to me. You could at least spend 30 seconds of your time searching to see if any of it is true. And as for the God-loving Christian “President” that Bush sadly is, do you think it is “Christian” or “God-loving” to liberate a country under a false pretense, kill far more than religious extremists at the same time, and then still have the balls to force-feed Democracy to them while scaring the hell out of the population? Iraq has plunged into a civil war because of our nation’s stance to be the world’s police and you sit back acting like it’s no big deal, like it can all be fixed in due time. Here’s a newsflash for you: it isn’t, especially not in your lifetime. From what Bush has been doing to that country with our nation’s military, I have to ask: “Who’s really doing the devil’s work?”

Frank Hermann

Corpus Christi

After researching online (I doubt this guy did), I found that Corpus Christi is a city in Texas that this fast-fingered Frank must reside in. Also, Corpus Christi is actually Latin for “body of Christ.” Don’t believe me? The website’s right here. There’s only one word that pops in my head that describes this situation: Ironic. Well, folks, I’m tired of this letter as much as I am tired of our war-mongering president. Usually, a star would suit a rating for a Texan (check out their flag sometime), but this is all that I have. Oh, well. It’s the thought that counts, right?

Here is the original message below in all its unedited glory:

Thanks for opening my eyes. I had no idea waving the flag, attending church, fighting terrorism, and being proud of my country was fascist. Hopefully, I can hate America, burn churches, call people who don't agree with me fascist, support terrorsim and everything else you and your site supports. Why spread peace when you can spread hate. You make a good point. William I couldn’t help but wonder what would drive Old Father William to saying such things, so I decided to break it down into fun-size segments. Thanks for opening my eyes. I had no idea waving the flag, attending church, fighting terrorism, and being proud of my country was fascist.


I couldn’t help but wonder what would drive Old Father William to saying such things, so I decided to break it down into fun-size segments.

Thanks for opening my eyes. I had no idea waving the flag, attending church, fighting terrorism, and being proud of my country was fascist.

All blind jokes aside, of course you have no idea about those things, because there is nothing fascist about any of those things. Waving an American flag is actually patriotic, attending church is a religious practice, and being proud of your country is nothing to be ashamed of. Also, let’s look up the word “fascist”:

Adj: relating to or characteristic of fascism; "fascist propaganda" [Syn: fascistic] N: an adherent of fascism or other right-wing authoritarian views

Yeah, if there’s anything that is to be called “fascist propaganda,” it is waving the flag, attending church, and fighting terrorism. Plus, in noun form, it raises the question: who’s the real fascist?

Hopefully, I can hate America, burn churches, call people who don't agree with me fascist, support terrorsim and everything else you and your site supports.

Slam on your brakes! “Hate America”? Now, where in any of the works on this website does it factually say “I hate America”? It doesn’t. And don’t say, “You give the impression that you do,” because impressions and words are two different ball games. Plus, where in any of these works do I support the very acts of burning churches, calling people who don’t agree with me fascist, and supporting terrorsim? That’s a funny word, “terrorsim.” I guess in all the spitefulness of typing this letter to me, you forget to spell-check. May I suggest doing so in future letters so that I don’t confuse a global issue with a grammatically incorrect term? In conclusion, this website supports nothing of which you stated in the above. So, sorry; can’t fulfill your requests.

Why spread peace when you can spread hate. You make a good point.

I have no intentions of spreading hate, especially since it is difficult enough to understand that hate is the easiest emotion to teach. But since you love to jump the gun before the bullet is loaded, that can only be the sound of hate being spouted out at the Democratic Party. Plus, you sent me a hate mail. I smell a hypocrite. Thanks for wondering, though.

Another week, another random letter plucked from the bottomless pit of Republican hate mail. But the thing is it never gets boring because of each of the letters’ diversity. So, I conclude this war of the words, but not without William’s anticipated payoff:

(I lost the guy's original e-mail)

Dear Sir,

Thanks for helping the cause!  The right-wing cause that is.

I thought I was helping the left-wing cause…but do continue.

I’d never say people who ideologically disagree with me are stupid, that’s what your side does. It’s obvious you are very intelligent, just obsessed.  

Yes, I am obsessed with getting the point across that telling me these things are as useless as looking at the color green and then being reminded of the color. But you were saying…?

I will say that it is with great ignorance you say things like ‘10lbs of horsesh*t in 5lbs bag” etc.

In this sentence, you confuse ignorance with blatant truth. But is it also with great ignorance that your president doesn’t even have a second thought over his actions? Or is this also the blatant truth? Either way…the blatant truth always sticks out.

I greatly angered a local leftist radio guy by thanking him for helping Bush get elected.

Ooh, a campfire story, only there’s no fire, no marshmallows, and no boy scouts in their uniforms laughing at each other’s jokes. This ought to get good.

Here’s some advice: try and sound more rational. If you say “here’s why Bush is a failure” and list 10 things he’s done that are factually wrong, you will do more to help your cause and potentially get more people on your side.

As Stewie Griffin (from Family Guy [I love that show, by the way]) once put it:

“Oh, that is a vile and odious lie! How dare you fill my head with such loathsome propaganda!”

What’s the point of “a movement’ if you can’t recruit more to your cause? Left wingers never get this. It’s why they lose at the polls and even moderate Democrats think your ilk are nuts.

They can think what they want, but they are still Democrats because that’s the query box that they marked when they registered as a voter. Does that mean that the Democratic Party is a House divided? I don’t think so. As for a movement, did you think people suddenly became Democrats the day after 9/11? Did people suddenly flock to their post offices and re-write their voter registration papers to become Democrats? These things take time and patience; something that our President (the Republican Party of which he represents) doesn’t have when to comes to searching for WMDs and terrorist links in a country that both had nothing to do with 9/11.

All this screaming causes people who think differently to put up a wall.  

Yeah, we sure thought differently when we were only telling the obvious. But these people (mainly, you Republicans) put up these walls to try and contradict the obvious. Hey, wasn’t the Berlin Wall broken through in 1989 after being erected 28 years earlier? Who knows; it’ll probably take that long anyway to break through mental wall. Wonder what you’ll be doing to stay busy until that time?

An example of what not to do- the same leftist radio guy I thanked for helping Bush get elected (I voted for the man twice – proudly) had some wakco liberal-kook story about how secret vans pulled up in Ohio and stole votes from Kerry and Bush stole yet another election.  Sure, all the liberal sheep bah away in unison, but people like me are like “wah wah waaaaa cry babies…”

Ooh, the saga continues with Interview of the Radio Host II: the 2004 “Election”. Plus, you are now labeling such stories as the work of “liberal-kooks.” Sorry…’Label’ isn’t the right term. It should be ‘Libel’. Plus, I didn’t think it would be so obvious as to steal election votes via secret vans in Ohio. Sounds more like an Ocean’s Eleven rip-off than a campaign practice. Plus, I remember the exit polls being altered at 1:41 AM the day after the election, so the vans are just wasting their gas money (aren’t we all when we use Hummers and other gas-guzzling vehicles as the price per gallon goes up?). And now, we are liberal sheep? This isn’t the fourth grade; this is political activism in the face of a democratically-diminishing nation. Save your insults for someone who will actually feel intimidated by them.

If this were anything close to true, the left-wing media would’ve been all over this (I know you believe there is no liberal media but lets’ just say one doesn’t have to look hard to find anti-bushisms in the mainstream media – plus I went to broadcasting school, trust me, EVERYONE besides me is hardline left – where do you think they end up?)

Left-wing media? You mean like FOX news, CNN, MSNBC, etc.? And of course, there’s no such thing as left-wing media, especially when the right-wing anchors steals all the donuts every day when they get to work, leaving none for the left-wing anchors, making them quit from frustration. Plus…you went to broadcasting school? Did they teach you about the freedom of the press while you were there? Because it appears that the right-wing media doesn’t seem to include that First Amendment right into the curriculum. Our only hopes rest on the shoulders of Jon Stewart and Ted Colbert. *Sniffle* Bless their little hearts. Hope they packed a toothbrush.

If Kanye West would’ve said “this administration has sadly let many poor folks down”, he would’ve received much more attention and accolade, thus helping the cause. “Bush hates black people” , everyone not liberal puts up the defensive wall.

Actually, I saw that clip on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. They then showed an edited version where he said: “Bush doesn’t care about people who don’t help his administration.” I laughed at it so hard I was crying my eyes out. It was funny…and it was the sad, but painful truth. It was that final kicker that delivered the punch line.

Think about what you do when people scream at you. Is it not correct people will listen more when calm and rational dissent is applied rather than looney-ism?   I once had a U of Michigan Professor scream at me at a bar (after HE brought up politics and I calmly and unapologetically stated my opinion-he said “people like you are the REASON THE ASSHOLE IS IN OFFICE!”  And he’s right- I am, thank you very much!

Okay, first off, how do people listen to browser-enhanced HTML text? All they can do is look at it and read it. And as for listening to people, isn’t it Bush’s looney-ism that you Republicans listen to every time he brings up a new development in the war on terrorism? Sure, he’s calm and rational while he’s saying these things, but he’s living, breathing proof that you don’t need to act like the village drunk to spread lies and twisted truths (although he was acting as the village drunk on the occasion during his days as a Texas National Guard pilot). And of course, the saga concludes with The Professor’ Apologetics. Now, I’m no psychic with a crystal ball, but I bet that he only screamed at you because he was exercising what one would call the Freedom of Speech, the most basic right that an American could ever ask for. Oh, and thanks for admitting something that is true. It must be very difficult for the Republican heart.

Well, this letter sure was long. But nonetheless, I got all the bases covered. As for the writer, I can only give him a special gift in return: the rating of this letter. Here’s to you, Mr. Republican


As Bush's approval ratings rebound into the heady realms enjoyed by Nixon prior to his resignation, the morons have found their backbone once again, and for one, I couldn't be more pleased. It's been a sparse four months, and my days have been woefully lacking in hilarious idiocy, as supplied by the still-dwindling number of useful idiots of the republican right.

But, take heart- in the past month, two folks have decided to stick their wedding tackle on the chopping block, and proudly display their plumage of idiocy. It was a tough choice, but I went with the following...

Quoth idiot Michael:

More liberal anti-American foolishness! 

Okay, first off, let's look at the definition of "liberal":

Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

Yeah, if there's anything that's anti-american, it's reform, openness, tolerance, and broad-mindedness- kudos, Michael- you shore put us LIB-Ruls in our place!

Liberal's and terroists have much in common.  One of which is that they equally hate our president.  It should tell you something about yourself when you would align yourself with terrorists. 

First off, dumbass, you might wanna check out Bob's quick guide to the apostrophe. Whenever I see the possessive used so incorrectly, it makes my teeth hurt- but that's beyond the matter...

Actually, I'll bet if you polled the bigwigs at Al Qaida, I'd be winning to bet you dimes to donuts that they'd all agree that Bush's ill-gotten presidency is the best thing that's happened to their organization. Before Bush attained office, they were a fringe group, that was off the radar (with the exception of the vigrorous anti-terror initiatives that Clinton put in Place.)

The day Bush got into office, he handed Al Qaida a huge gift, by cancelling every one of Clinton's anti-terror initiatives, including monitoring operations at the Pentagon, CIA, and FBI, thus leaving Bin Laden, et al, to organize and plot at will.

Further, it was Bush that gave Al Qaida a new, vigorous ground of operations in a virtually lawless Iraq.

Hell- if I were a terrorist, I'd kneel down and praise whatever pink pixies exist in the sky that Bush was in office- but as a liberal, I do not.

The people in Iraq do not hate our president like you liberal idiots. 
Well, most Iraqis are more concerned about their lack of electricity and basic services, a dearth of medical care, a 40% unemployment rate, food and fuel shortages, and the daily danger of being blown to smithereens by the odd suicide bomber to think much about Bush. But maybe I'm naiive, and the mosques are filled with praises of Bush- but somehow I doubt it.
They are free to vote for the first time. 
Uhh- maybe I was hit on the head by a bowling ball four months back, but this is- what- the third or fourth bogus "election" that's taken place, since our occupation began? Strange how none of those "elections" changed jack-all, in relation to the events on the ground in Iraq. I'm sorry, but every time the viewscreen tells you that an "election" has taken place, it doesn't matter how many times you click your ruby slippers together- it still sums up to more dead americans and Iraqis.
If it had not been for our president and our fighting men and women, this would have never happened. 

Okay- Now, you're cheesing me off. Don't drag down the men and women serving with distinction in our armed services down to Bush's level.

It always gets my goat how the right wing claims to have eminent domain, in regards to supporting our troops. I've said it before, and will say it again:

These armchair warriors LOVE to cheer on the troops in the comfort of their mothers' basements, as these guys and gals in uniform do their duties, and die in increasing numbers. Why? Because they see this war as some sort of rotisserie league fantasy football game, taking place half a world away.

I support the troops, by hoping and working to make sure that every last one of them lives to see another day, and comes home as soon as possible.

There are millions of people in Iraq who are very appreciative that America has a man of great courage and conviction in the White House. 

Courage and Conviction?

Yeah, it's damned courageous to send 160,000 of our young men and women to fight and die in a war whose sole purpose is to line the pockets of Cheney's corporate cronies. It's courageous to hide in a Crawford ranch for a month, to avoid seeing Cindy Sheehan, indeed.


As far as "conviction" goes- I haven't seen anything of the sort from Bush- please advise...

As far as the "millions of Iraqis"- well- Zarqawi wouldn't have a job, right now, had it not been for Bush- but he's Jordanian, so I guess he doesn't count.


Figures- Tennessee...

Ya know- I lived in Tennessee for well onto 13 years, and I can recall when Tennessee was Blue- it was only about 15 years ago- democratic governor, democratic senators, and a democratic state legislature- but how the tide turns. I saw it coming, back in the Reagan administration, when he spearheaded alla those cuts to the federal education budget- someone in the republican machine back then had seen the writing on the wall...

"If we give these kids a decent education, they'll grow up to be DEMOCRATS- we can't let that happen! Better to have a few generations of undereducated servile morons, to swell the party ranks!"

How well it all came together- Michael is a case study...


Idiots of the month, have been hard to come by, as of late. All but the most die-hard and mentally challenged have managed to hold their positions. In the wake of Katrina, Plamegate, Cindy Sheehan, Sham press conferences, multiple indictments, rampant cronyism, the Harriet Miers debacle, and spiraling violence in Iraq, there's very few out there who can still sling right-wing partisain invective, without sounding like drooling idiots.

Fortunately, in these dry times, AshJRudi steps forward, and delivers the goods:

This site is an absolute crappy site. If you don't like the USA then get out!!! A lot of what is on here is nothing but crap. I guess you all could do better with our country than Bush has done. Gee....You pigs are the first to criticize when things are not going the way you think they should. We are still a free and prosperous country. Be proud of it or shut up. Take your filth and burn it.

Now, My first thing that struck me- where, on any part of my site, have I ever said that I "don't like the USA"?

I felt the need to retort:

I will send you a check for 1000 dollars, and turn the site over to you, if you can validate your statement that I "don't like the USA".
Where, in my writing, or animation, have I ever stated such?
The money and site are yours, if you can  cite a single example.

We'll get to this noble warrior's response, later... There's lots to be addressed, here...

"This site is an absolute crappy site."...
"A lot of what is on here is nothing but crap
Never before have I been stung with such eloquent, comprehensive criticism of my works. Bertrand Russell, Jean Paul Sartre, Gene Shalit, and Simon from "american Idol" could have had their genes mixed together in some freakish underground laboratory, implanted in the cloned uterus of Susan Sonntag, and while the resulting mutant would certainly score solid column inches in the New York Times review of books, it wouldn't be able to top what AshJRudi was able to sum up in so few words.
"I guess you all could do better with our country than Bush has done."
Well, DUH. A drunken, greased pig wallows through its own manure, with more elan than Bush has been able to muster, during his misbegotten term in office- do I need to explain this, to anyone here?
"You pigs are the first to criticize when things are not going the way you think they should."
And you folks are the ones who sheepishly sumbit to everything- no matter how offensive.
We are still a free and prosperous country.
Far less so than we were, five years ago, thanks to the usual suspects.
Be proud of it or shut up
It's hard to be proud, when I see the poor dying of starvation and neglect on the streets of New Orleans. And Iraq? Well, I feel nothing but shame- I really, really do.
"Take your filth and burn it."

Nazi bookburning jokes aside, considing my "filth" is a website, I have to ponder- how does one "burn" a website? After all, it exists as magnetic binary codes lodged in a server at my web hosting company (Speakeasy- GREAT service.)

I guess I could "burn" a CD of the site, and then literally burn the disc, but the site would still be online. I could try and break into Speakeasy HQ in Seattle, and burn the actual server, but the site would still be backed up in numerous computers, worldwide... I'm at a loss, really- I see no solution to this idiot's request...

Now- the eventual response came...

All the BS you have on that site speaks for its self very clearly that you do not like living in the USA. If you take the time to find so much wrong with our country then why do you bother to stay living here? You are shoving these things down people's throats and it is not right. You have on there about fascism---Bush?? I am not a bush supporter either but I love the country I Live in---but I really think that people such as you take the freedom of speech just a little to far.

Do I really need to point out every nugget of stupidity for ya'll? I hope not- It's getting late, and I wanna wrap this up...

The offer stands, however- anyone who can find anything on my page that says that I hate this country, not only gets a $1000 check- Bushflash.com will be signed over to them, in its entirety, and I will pay for a year of hosting.

Our correspondence:
ALM0STALEXUS: are you sponsored by al queda?
Me: If I were sponsored by al-qaeda, I wouldn't be 5,000 dollars in debt.


SCREECH!!! "Liberal" war? How did it become so liberal? I seem to recall liberals like me were working our butts off, in opposition to this war, while Fox News, and folks like you, were champing at the bit for this war, (and many still are). Don't try to pass your damaged goods, on to us.

Now, as ridicuous as the "Liberal war" statement is, it bears further examination.

The moment I read those two words, I immediately recalled a similar canard, from WW2:

Back during the second world war, one of the consistent threads in the rhetoric of Joseph Goebbels was that the war initiated by the Nazi Regime was the fault of the jews. He consistently called the ongoing conflict a "jewish war" that was "thrust upon them." This was a classic "Big Lie"- but as Goebbels pointed out: "The bigger the lie the more it (will) be believed."

ALM0STALEXUS probably went off the deep end long before he came up with this trail of rehtorical feces, but I lay the blame at those who oppose universal health care. If we enjoyed national health here, ALM0STALEXUS would have gotten the psychiatric treatment he deperately needed, during his formative years. The twig has been bent, and so grows the tree.

But before you go, here's the end of our conversation:
Me: Thank you!

You are now officially Bushflash's "Idiot of the month!"


Our entire correspondence will be posted, (without your e-mail address), with commentary. I will send you a direct link, tomorrow!

-Thanks again!

Me: Oh- and it gets better- after two e-mails, you suddenly remember you're a Marine Corps Sergeant.

Hey- let's have fun with this- let's see what insane titles we can pull out of our butts... My turn- lessee...

Supreme Exalted Emperor, Pontifex Maximus, Magnificent Guildersneeze, and Yeti- Descended Overman Right-Hand Disciple of "Bob"

I am Mike Cucuk. I am 18 years of age and a high-school graduate, with my highest grades in American Government, World History, and Economics. I grew up in California and am presently living in Clovis. I am currently in college and my major is undecided. I am prestige in piano-playing, story-writing, video-editing, visual effects, deductive logic, religion (I am a Christian), and historical research.

I have checked myself as a Democrat on my voter registration papers, and I am currently managing the Idiot of the Month Column here at www.bushflash.com. Feel free to drop me a hate mail if you’re a Republican/Conservative/Right-Winger. My e-mail address is mikecucuk@yahoo.com. If you’re lucky, your letter (along with my reply, a rating, and without your e-mail) will appear on the Idiot of the Week page.